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Video Games and Well-Being During COVID-19


Thu, 07/15/2021 - 13:30




Innovation & Enterprise

Event Description

Please join us for this live virtual discussion moderated by The Washington Post reporter Gene Park on video games and well-being during COVID-19. This discussion offers an opportunity for policymakers to learn more about the video game sector, independent research into the health effects of playing games, and the power of games, including during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This event will bring together the following experts: 


Professor Andrew Przybylski, Director of Research, Oxford Internet Institute

Cornelia Geppert, CEO/Writer/Art & Creative Director/Game Design, Jo-Mei Games

Eduardo Mena, Research Director, Ipsos Mori


Gene Park, Reporter, The Washington Post

The pandemic has had a deep and lasting impact on individuals and communities globally, forcing people to stay indoors and often remain isolated for extended periods of time, and separating friends, family, work colleagues and schoolmates. As countries continue their efforts to bring the pandemic to an end, experts are analysing what people have done to keep themselves connected and occupied during the worst phases of COVID-19.

Video games are among the most popular forms of interactive entertainment today.  Billions of players around the world rely on video games for connection, community, and stability. The pandemic helped shine a spotlight not only on the joy and comfort that games provide, but also on their ability to deliver health and safety messages around the globe. For example, the #PlayApartTogether initiative was one of many successful industry initiatives that used video games to help disseminate public health messaging during the pandemic.

This event has been organised by the video game industry associations from around the world. 



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