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ERA: Annual Conference on European Data Protection Law 2019


28 Mar 2019 to 29 Mar 2019





Event Description

Post-GDPR Challenges and e-Privacy Reform




The conference aims to provide legal practitioners and data protection specialists with the necessary guidance on new data protection rules provided by the GDPR and the upcoming e-Privacy Regulation and how to combine them with the demands of the contemporary economy. It will offer an opportunity to discuss with key legal experts the challenges and issues at stake.

Key topics

  • Post-GDPR challenges: interpretation and supervision of new requirements by DPAs
  • e-Privacy reforms – what additional challenges are to be expected?
  • International data transfers
  • Impact of GDPR on technologies such as AI, Big Data and Blockchain
  • Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA): how to safeguard  accountability under the GDPR
  • Recent case law on privacy in data protection
  • The European Data Protection Board – a first assessment


    >> Further information and 
    online registration





    Michal Bobek, Advocate General, Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembourg

    Willem Debeuckelaere, President, Belgian Commission for the Protection of Privacy, Brussels

    Peter Eberl, Deputy Head of Unit, DG CONNECT, European Commission, Brussels (TBC)

    Sophie Kwasny, Head of Unit, Data Protection, Council of Europe, Strasbourg

    Alessandro Mantelero, Associate Professor of Law, SmartData@PoliTO Center, Polytechnic University of Turin; Rapporteur on Artificial Intelligence and Data Protection, Council of Europe, Strasbourg

    Diego Naranjo, Senior Advisor, European Digital Rights, Brussels

    Romain Robert, Legal Officer, European Data Protection Board (TBC)

    Georgia Skouma, Legal Director, Privacy & ICT Law, Deloitte, Brussels

    Wojciech Wiewiórowski, Assistant Supervisor, European Data Protection Supervisor, Brussels



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