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Creativity and innovation: scenarios and challenges in education and life-long learning systems


16 May 2013 22:00


  Trento  --

Event Type

M - Seminar, presentation

Organiser type

Federations / Associations


Innovation & Enterprise

Event Location


Event Description

Creativity and innovation: scenarios and challenges in education and life-long learning systems

17th May 2013

9.30 – 16.30

IPRASE Trentino, Dipartimento della Conoscenza

Via Gilli, 3 Trento (TN)


9.00 - 9.15: Participants registration
9.15: Opening and introduction by local project staff
09.30: Why creativity and innovation and why now? The CLEAR project. Findings from a Transnational Review
Francesco Pisanu & Paola Menapace, IPRASE
10.15: Coffee Break
10.45: Innovation & Creativity in Training and Development field: a systemic and organizational perspective
Carlo Odoardi, Associate Professor of Psychology of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Integration of Systems, University of Florence.
11.45: ICT-enabled innovation in Education and Training (E&T) and in Adult education: Creative Class Rooms framework
Stefania Bocconi, CNR, former Research Fellow at European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS)
13.00: Lunch Break
14.30: Parallel session, Case  Study: eTwinning Project, Alessandra Ceccherelli INDIRE, Unità nazionale eTwinning Italia
14.30: Parallel session, Case  Study: Innovation and creativity in Youth Entrepreneurship, Giovanni Campagnoli, Vedogiovani.
16.30: Summary & Conclusion

Events of the week


EuroGeoSurveys AISBL
Secretary General
European Endowment for Democracy
Traineeship (Ukraine programme support)
Policy Officer
Swiss Finance Council - EU Representative Office
Policy Advisor - Financial Services – Focus on Sustainable Finance
IBS Consulting Srl
Junior Project Manager