Tapping the potential of Renewable Heating and Cooling
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Event Description
EUROGIA2020 and the European Technology Platform on Renewable Heating & Cooling (RHC-Platform)are organizing a joint information day and brokerage event under the auspices of GdFSuez in Paris on September 16th, 2013.
Heat represents roughly half of the final energy demand in Europe. According to the Common Vision of the RHC-Platform, over 25% of heat consumed in the European Union in 2020 could be generated with renewable energy technologies and by 2030 RHC technologies could supply over half the heat used in Europe. Tapping the full potential of renewable heating and cooling will require the development of reliable, efficient and affordable technology.
This event aims at bringing together stakeholders from the renewable heating & cooling sector, as well as public authorities from key countries to present the funding schemes for R&D&D projects in the field of renewable heating and cooling.
During the brokerage event, participants are invited to present their possible project ideas to set up successful project consortia and can get individual consultation with EUROGIA2020 and Public Authorities on any questions they may have.
EUROGIA2020 & RHC-Platform Joint event will include high level speakers from GdFSuez and other leading industries, key EUROGIA2020 supporting countries and from the European Commission.
For registration, please contact Ms Nil Atmaca
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