The amended Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) contains a vision for 2050 for the buildings stock in the EU – it will have to be highly energy efficient and decarbonised, reaching cost-effective nearly zero energy levels. As a result, it is time for action and the Member States will need to be armed with all the right tools and resources to achieve this challenging and necessary vision. This year’s Renovate Europe event will look at how to plan properly for the achievement of this 2050 vision.
We will have presentations from all levels of governance from the EU to the local, city level passing through the national and sub-national levels. Our invited audience will represent a cross-section of concerned stakeholders ready to assist the various levels of governance to play their part in the transformation of the building stock in the EU before 2050.
10h30 | Arrival of participants at European Parliament for security checks and transfer to room JAN 6Q1 |
11h15 |
Bendt Bendtsen (MEP, EPP Group, DK) – Welcome to participants
11h25 |
Adrian Joyce (Campaign Director) and Moderator of the Event
11h30 |
Marjorie Meynier-Millefert, Member of the French National Assembly
11h45 |
Kathleen Robertson, Head of Heat, Energy Efficiency and Low-Carbon Unit, Scottish Government
12h00 |
Mieke Maerten, Sustainability Manager for the City of Ghent
12h15 |
Stephen Richardson (World Green Building Council)
12h30 |
Stephanie Sfakianos (Global Head of Sustainable Capital Markets, BNPP)
12h45 | Q & A Session |
12h55 |
Adrian Joyce
[1] https://renovate-europe.eu/reday2018-registration-request/