On Wednesday 25 January at 16:00, Mozilla will host an open panel discussion on the future of web security in the EU. Our previous event on the risks within the eIDAS revision led to significant interest from audience-members holding differing viewpoints. This event will bring those arguments together in a panel debate which will include representatives from EU institutions, industry and civil society. The panellists will debate the eIDAS revision and article 45.2 which deals with Qualified Web Authentication Certificates (QWACs) and the web authentication process.
Join this event and participate in the open discussion on the eIDAS revision, QWACs and the future of web authentication.
16:00-17:00: open panel discussion and Q&A
17:00-18:30: networking and drinks
Confirmed speakers:
- Mikuláš Peksa, MEP & Shadow Rapporteur on eIDAS
- Marshall Erwin, Chief Security Officer at Mozilla
- Paul van Brouwershaven, European Signature Dialog
- Thomas Lohninger, Board Member of European Digital Rights (EDRi) and Executive Director at Epicenter.Works