ALDE Seminar
EU Foreign Direct Investment -
How to protect European investments abroad?
Wednesday 14 November 14:00 to 16:00
European Parliament JAN 4Q1
With the participation of
Commissioner Karel de Gucht and representatives from Member States, academia, international organisations, civil society organisations and business.
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The future of EU investment protection is currently one of the most contentious horizontal issues in the EU's international trade policy. Since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty in December 2009, the exclusive competence on foreign direct investment has shifted from Member States to the European level, and a range of proposals have already been discussed in the Council and the European Parliament.
Right now, a number of dossiers on investment policy are high on the agenda: Negotiations on investment protection within FTA negotiations with Singapore, India and Canada, a possible start of negotiations over an investment agreement between the EU and China and a new proposal for a regulation on investor to state dispute settlement, which is currently being debated in the European Parliament.
This seminar will be an excellent opportunity to discuss the range of policy implications in this new era of EU-investment policy. Is the EU ready to assume its new role in investment policy? What sort of agreements should be concluded; by who and with whom? What will be the future role of Member States; and how do businesses and third countries see the shift in competence towards the EU in this policy area? What role will investor-state dispute settlement mechanisms and sustainability criteria play in future investment agreements?
These are some of the questions this seminar will aim to address in two separate panels with MEPs, Commissioner Karel De Gucht and representatives from Member States, academia, international organisations, civil society organisations and business.