On 17 September, THE even on obesity is taking place in Brussels, This high-level event will gather eminent scientists and policy makers to discuss how to encounter the obesity epidemic in Europe.
Highlights of the day:
Obesity causes more deaths than smoking. More than half of the Europeans are overweight and the number is likely to rise. In Europe, six of the seven biggest risk factors for premature mortality – blood pressure, cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, inadequate fruit and vegetable intake, lack of physical activity – relate to our lifestyles. In other words, we must eat well, drink well, and move.
In these times of recession, apart from serious harm to our health, the costs for society and healthcare are significant as it runs into tens of billions of Euros on an annual basis. What’s more, the problem is growing as today almost 60% of Europeans are considered overweight. Thus it is time to act quickly and decisively.
Action on a European level is wanting and urgently needed. In order to press for action we organise a conference to involve stakeholders both from the academic and the political worlds and send a message to the policy makers of the European Union.
You are kindly invited to join us for the press conference on Tuesday 17 September from 17.30 with Commissioner Vassiliou, Lithuanian Health Vice-Minister Gediminas Cernauskas and Jean-Pierre Després, worldwide expert on obesity as guest speakers.
Please register at: www.myhealthywaist.org [1]
For questions, please contact us via: eatdrinkmove@russchen-consultants.eu [2]
[1] http://www.myhealthywaist.org
[2] mailto:eatdrinkmove@russchen-consultants.eu?subject=Seen%20on%20the%20EurActiv%20JobSite
[3] https://agenda.euractiv.com/sites/default/files/events/Press%20Flash.pdf