16th EuroConference
Event Type
Event Location
Event Description
For the 16th time in a row, Kellen is organizing its annual EuroConference in Brussels, THE event on Best Practices in Association Management.
Kellen Europe coordinates the only ongoing professional forum in Europe dedicated to examining and measuring the factors that affect the association’s efficiency and identifying best models of operation.
Historically, the EuroConference was organized in collaboration with the Aberdeen Business School, the College of Europe in Bruges and many other supporters.
- Association Executives
- Corporate Executives
- Executives from ad hoc coordinated groups, ngo’s, platforms and coalitions
Experience speakers feature in this year’s programme representing NGO’s, European Trade Associations, Permanent Representations to the EU and Corporations will share both best and worst practices providing a firm basis for discussion. Following which an innovative split-session approach between large plenary and small breakout groups will mean that the EuroConference will be more interactive and presenting an ideal atmosphere for improving knowledge and understanding while increasing networking opportunities.
The 16th Annual EuroConference will be hosted by Kellen, THE leading Association Management company with a global presence and over 20 years’ experience in this field.
Where & when:
28 April 2016
Sofitel Hotel, Place Jourdan, Brussels
Click here to registrer
Conference fee: 119 EUR
Early Bird rate of 99 EUR until 29 February 2016!
Please note that prices are VAT excluded.
Contact details:
Mélanie Collot
Avenue Jules Bordet 142
1140 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)2 761 16 00
Email: euroconference@kelleneurope.com
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