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The 3rd Annual European Raw Materials Conference


Mon, 03/18/2013 - 23:00



Event Type

L - Conference, forum

Organiser type

Federations / Associations


Innovation & Enterprise
Sustainable Dev.

Event Location


Event Description


Now in its third year, the European Raw Materials Conference will once again bring together high-level speakers and delegates for interactive discussion on the need to ensure long-term security of access to the Raw Materials crucial to European industrial growth and competitiveness.


Further Details

Coming on the back of the European Commission’s proposal on ‘Industrial Policy’ and the launch of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on Raw Materials, this year’s conference will particularly focus on the role of innovation in efforts to boost production and sustainability across the Raw Materials Value Chain.

Securing a supply of these vital materials is more important than ever in light of their key role in the development of the low carbon technologies required to meet the EU’s emissions reductions targets. How can Europe’s own extractive industries help to reduce its import dependency, and what further steps can be taken to ensure the efficient use of materials already within circulation? What measures should be put in place in order to make the global trade of Raw Materials fairer and more sustainable, and how can Europe take a more pro-active stance in international dialogue on the future security of these valuable resources.


Interested in becoming involved?

We have a number of speaking, partner and sponsorship packages available, including the high-profile opportunity to become a 'Host' of the European Raw Materials Conference. For further details, click here to view the sponsorship prospectus or alternatively contact Kirstie Fagan on / +44 (0) 2920 783 026.



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