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Apply to the #FixEurope Autumn Campus (Oct 21-25) - Deadline Sept 15


15 Sep 2014 12:00


Schloßhof 10
16306  Casekow


Global Europe

Event Location


Event Description

Join us for three-days on October 21-24 of #FixEurope which will bring together activists from across Europe in a three-day campus environment for reflection, learning and strategising.

The camp will be about defining political priorities for the year ahead as well as running training workshops aimed at empowering participants in new techniques for campaigning, advocacy and communication at EU level; learning how the use of new technologies can help activists on the ground; mapping the new European institutions and studying which attempts at influencing decision-making have worked and why.

To close the campus there will be a public conference on Saturday October 25th held at the Heinrich-Böll Foundation in the centre of Berlin opened by Saskia Sassen.

Apply by September 15th!



European Society of Pathology
ESP Exhibition Manager
European Association of Nuclear Medicine
EU Affairs Assistant Manager
BRAK - Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer
Assistenz (m/w/d)
EUI - European University Institute
Communications Assistant
European Business Summits
Events and Logistics Assistant
CEPS - Centre for European Policy Studies
Intern - Economic Policy
Assonime - l'Associazione fra le Società Italiane per Azioni
Stage per Policy Assistant