Water Innovation Europe aims at shaping the European water-related future by offering new perspectives and insights from high-level EU decision-makers and experts of the water sector and bringing forward the latest updates and trends on new water technologies and innovations.

Breakfast Workshop: Location, Location, Renovation – Building for a greener future
Event Type
Event Location
Event Description
On 17 April, the European Parliament formally endorsed updated rules to increase the energy efficiency of the European Union’s buildings. With these new rules coming into play, what is expected from the real estate sector? How will the EU incentivise and drive the rate of renovation? How will occupiers be impacted? How should the real estate sector help deliver EU energy targets?
Join our event, “Location, Location, Renovation – Building for a greener future,” to be a part of the discussion!
JLL and FTI Consulting
with the support of
the European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) invite you to
Breakfast Workshop
Location, Location, Renovation –
Building for a greener future
Thursday, 3 May, 2018
FTI Consulting Offices
Avenue Marnix 23, 1000 Brussels
Sir Philip Lowe, Special Adviser FTI Consulting, former Director-General of DG ENERGY
Dr. Josefina Lindblom, Unit of Eco-innovation and Circular economy, DG ENV
Richard Hamilton-Grey, Sustainability Manager for Europe and Asia, TH Real Estate
Frédéric Tourné, Head of Environmental Management, Befimmo
Oliver Rapf, Executive Director, Buildings Performance Institute Europe
8h – 8h30: Registrations and networking
8h30 – 9h15: Discussion
9h15 – 9h30: Q&A
9h30 –10h30: Coffee and networking
To register contact Ani Gundes: ani.gundes@fticonsulting.com
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