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Car emissions: Commission proposals and EP vote on RDE tests


26 Jan 2016 09:30


European Parliament members restaurant
Rue Wiertz 60
1047  Brussels

Event Type

M - Seminar, presentation


Climate & Environment

Event Location


Event Description

When: Tuesday, 26 January, 9.30

Where: European Parliament members restaurant, ASP building, Brussels

With: Green environment spokesperson Bas Eickhout and Greens/EFA group co-president Rebecca Harms

The European Commission will present its proposals to revise the type approval system for cars on 27 January.
On 2 February, the European Parliament will vote on whether or not to reject the controversial decision creating loopholes ('conformity factors') in the proposed Real Driving Emissions test for car emissions.
This briefing will address these two crucial moments in the EU's response to the Volkswagen/dieselgate scandal. The briefing will provide background on the proposal and insight ahead of the parliament vote.

This briefing is for journalists only.

The briefing will take place in English and will be accompanied by a light breakfast.


Toy Industries of Europe (TIE)
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Business Angels Europe (BAE)
Programma Manager Gender en Diversiteit
European Space Policy Institute
Research Fellow
The Good Food Institute Europe
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European Emergency Number Association
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EFA - European Free Alliance
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