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The Common Assessment Framework: The Reference Model for Total Quality Management in the Public Sector


28 Sep 2016 to 30 Sep 2016



Event Type

S - Workshop, course


Innovation & Enterprise

Event Location


Event Description

Target group
Public top and middle managers as well as quality and change managers, interested and/or involved in introducing management tools and quality management techniques in the public sector (ministries, agencies, regional and local administrations, education, police, healthcare, etc.).

The Common Assessment Framework (CAF) is a total quality management (TQM) tool specifically designed for the develop-ment of TQM in public sector organisations, starting with a self-assessment of their organisational performance leading to an effective improvement plan that brings the organisation step-by-step to the maturity level of Excellence. Since the launch of the first version in 2000 and revised versions in 2002 and 2006, more than 3700 organisations in many countries within and outside of Europe have implemented the CAF. On the basis of an in-depth study on the implementation of the CAF 2006 in which 400 users participated, the CAF 2013 version was realised and is now the new standard.

Performance management in public administration has a long history, and in all probability, a long road ahead. Nonetheless, performance management is not without its problems. Practitioners, management consultants, as well as academics, have sought solutions in response to the paradoxical and often problematic nature of performance management. New Public Management reforms worldwide have introduced a variety of performance measurement and management practices.  Recent evolutions have corrected some aspects of the NPM and broadened the scope towards New Public Governance forms. This evolution from the traditional Weberian bureaucratic public organisation over the New Public Management towards the New Governance approach follows different rhythms in the different European countries and public organisations. But performance management has gradually become an integral part of all modern governance arrangements. What was missing is the global, holistic approach integrating all aspects of the functioning of public sector organisations, driving them towards Excellence and the ultimate level of performance. The Common Assessment Framework 2013 provides this approach.

This three-day seminar will focus on the total organisational performance. In fact, Total Quality Management has evolved towards overall organisational management, including all aspects of the functioning of public administrations and the results they achieve. Performance is looked at in the two senses of the word: performance as the way we do things, and performance as the results we achieve and the outputs and outcomes we deliver.

Learning methodology
The programme will be implemented through a variety of training methods, presentations, discussions, group work, skills practice etc.

At the end of this three-day training, the participants should have a clear understanding of

  • the CAF 2013 quality model itself, the scoring system and the self-assessment process;
  • the specificity of the CAF 2013 in relation with the CAF 2006;
  • how to implement the CAF 2013;
  • how to use the CAF for self-assessment and formulate improvement actions;
  • how to prioritise improvement actions on a short-, medium- and long-term basis;
  • how to play the role of a coach to support their own and maybe other public sector organisations in applying the CAF.


Please click here for more information



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