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Croatia's LNG Terminal and Its Importance for Energy Diversification of Southeast Europe


Wed, 07/12/2017 - 12:00


European Parliament, Room A5E3
Rue Wiertz 60
1047  Bruxelles



Event Location


Event Description

PANEL DISCUSSION & LUNCH: Croatia's LNG Terminal and Its Importance for Energy Diversification of Southeast Europe

This is the first discussion we will lead featuring prominent EU experts, government and European Commission representatives, business leaders and members of the European Parliament interested in the gas market in Southeast Europe. Our host in the EP will be Ms. Ivana Maletic, one of the leading voices among Croatian MEPs on diversification of energy sources.

We’ll begin with networking followed by our discussion. There will be an opportunity for substantive audience Q&A after the discussion.

For the full agenda and other event details please see below.

Please reach out to me, Natko Vlahovic ( or Andrea Vodanovic ( with any questions.



10:30 : Arrival & Registration (pre-registration is needed)

11:15 : Event Introduction: 
Mr Natko Vlahovic, Moderator and CEUBC Director

Welcome speeches: 
Ms Ivana Maletic, Member of the European Parliament
Mr Ivo Milatic, State Secretary for Energy, Croatian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Energy
Representative of Commissioner Cañete, European Commission, Climate Action & Energy (TBC)

11:30 : Panel Discussion: 
Mr Goran Francic, LNG Croatia LLC, Representative of the Government of the Republic of Croatia
Mr Ivo Milatic, State Secretary for Energy, Croatian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Energy
Ms Anca-Iulia CIMPEANU, European Commission, DG Energy
Ms Ksenija Komkova Tatariunas, European Commission, INEA
Ms Ivana Maletic, Member of the European Parliament (EPP-HDZ)

12:45 : Closing Remarks & Initiation of "LNG Krk 2020" Support Network

13:00 : Press statements 
Brussels based journalists

13:30 - 14:30 : Lunch, European Parliament 

Events of the week