InnoGrid2020+: The Network of Networks
Event Location
Event Description
InnoGrid2020+: The Network of Networks
Brussels, 26-27 June 2017
InnoGrid2020+ is THE EU event on innovation in electricity networks. The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and the European Distribution System Operators for Smart Grids (EDSO) will focus this sixth edition on the arising network of networks, where power grids and transport, telecom and IT, digital and physical link up in an unprecedented manner.. Special attention will be devoted to the rapidly evolving transmission-distribution interface.
Are the electricity and transport networks sufficiently integrated? Which hard and soft technologies can enable a smart and sustainable energy system? Which regulation is needed? Will the active customer paradigm and active system management become a reality? What would that mean for networks integration and for the TSOs-DSOs interface? What’s the role of data hubs and what are the European rules related to cybersecurity and privacy? These and many other key questions will be on the agenda.
R&D projects with EU added value will present their work and results at the conference and at its networking exhibition. Calls for applications will be sent out shortly.
As for previous editions, we are expecting no less than 350 participants from the industry, associations, EU institutions, regulators, academic world and Member States to debate developments for our electricity grids of the future.
Invitations and registrations will be announced by the end of February.
Mark the dates in your agenda!
Venue: The Square, Glass Entrance, Mont des Arts, 1000 Brussels
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