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Demand-side flexibility in the EU: quantification of benefits in 2030


Wed, 09/28/2022 - 16:00 to 18:00



Event Location


Event Description

In a time of geopolitical instability and soaring energy prices, the achievement of the EU Green Deal is part of the solution.

Accelerating the clean energy transition will reduce emissions, cut dependency on imported fossil fuels, protect against price hikes and empower consumers.

At the moment, the solutions contemplated by both the European Commission in the REPowerEU Communication and Member States individually are various, often still relying on the old, centralised energy system model and in expensive gas-intensive supply alternatives.

Decentralisation, digitalisation and decarbonisation are no-regret options to the energy price and climate crisis impacting our society and economy. A consumer-centric EU energy strategy should enable and support consumers to play an active role through a smart, flexible and dynamic consumption and generation of variable renewables.

The full potential of the demand-side flexibility (DSF) of all energy end-users has never been quantified in a comprehensive way at EU level and therefore often overlooked, also in the REPowerEU Communication. It has led to the insufficient activation of consumers’ flexibility, which still faces many barriers and is not sufficiently incentivised.

To fill this gap, smartEn is developing with independent experts from DNV a study to demonstrate the full contribution that DSF can provide in achieving a 55% GHG reduction by 2030 and how this can be cost-effective for both the system and end-users.

During this event, smartEn will present the outcomes of this thorough study.

In particular, smartEn will quantify:

  • the potential DSF capacity (GW) available in 2030 to achieve the 55% GHG reduction and the renewables targets set by the European Commission in the Fit for 55 package proposal,
  • the amount of DSF that should be activated (GWh) to support those objectives,
  • the system level savings (€) and the end-user benefits (€) that would result from the activation of DSF.

Europe cannot afford anymore to underestimate the value of demand-side flexibility.


16.00 - 16.10

Welcome and Introduction by Michael Villa (Executive Director, smartEn).

16.10 - 16.45

"The business objective: Tapping into the demand-side flexibility potential" with Seydou Kane (Vice President, Public Affairs, Corporate, EMEA, Eaton), Daniele Andreoli (Head of Demand Response, Enel X Global Retail), Carmen Munoz (Head of downstream activities, EDF R&D) & Christoph Mazur (EMEA Lead for GridInteractive Solutions, Microsoft).

Moderated by Michael Villa.

16.45 - 17.00

Study presentation by DNV with Hans de Heer (Principal Consultant Smart Energy, DNV).

17.00 - 17.20

Panel Debate "Empowering consumers for a more efficient, resilient and sustainable energy system" with Monique Goyens (Directeur General, BEUC) and Tadhg O’Briain, Deputy Head on Unit for Consumers, Local Initiatives and Just Transition, DG for Energy, European Commission).

Moderated by Sonja van Renssen, Editor-in Chief, Energy Monitor.

17.20 - 17.45

Interview with System Operators: Consumers' flexibility at the core of smart grids with Sonya Twohig (Secretary General, ENTSO-E) & Vincenzo Ranieri (President, EU DSO Entity).

Moderated by Sonja van Renssen, Editor-in Chief, Energy Monitor.

17.45 - 17.55

Closing keynote speech by Ciarán Cuffe, MEP, EPBD rapporteur.

17.55 - 18.00

Conclusion with Stefan Doerig (smartEn Chair of the Board).

Practical information

This event will be livestreamed on Microsoft Teams.



Registration for online participation is free.


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