Join the next Future Media Lounge session Tuesday, 29 Septemberfrom 18:00-20:00 in the European Parliament, Brussels.
In the digital era, accessing media content has never been easier. Digital platforms – such as search engines, app stores, news aggregators, and social media – increasingly help people to find, share, organize, rank, navigate and access information online. They have the potential to transform – and are already changing – how citizens consumer media content and engage with politics and society.
In this session of the
Future Media Lounge event series, speakers and expert commentators will discuss the impact digital platforms potentially have on media pluralism in Europe, both now and in the future.
Speakers include Erika Mann, Managing Director Public Policy at Facebook and Natali Helberger, Professor of Information Law at the University of Amsterdam. A representative of the European publishing sector will also be speaking. Additionally, MEP Dita Charanzová (ALDE, CZ), MEP Tanja Fajon* (S&D, SI), Dr. Thomas Höppner, competition lawyer at Olswang LLP, and Martin Bailey*, Head of Unit of DG Connect, European Commission will be joining the event as expert commentators.
* to be confirmed
EurActiv is a Media Partner of Future Media Lounge.