Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Digital Skills for the Future
Organiser type
Event Location
Event Description

- 12.00 – 12.30 Registration of participants and sandwich lunch
- 12.30 – 14.30 Debate
- Presentation by Irène Mia / Global Editorial Director, Thought Leadership at the Economist Group of the EIU ‘Skills of the Future’ report
- Keynote by Esther Wojcicki / Author of ‘Moonshots in Education: Launching Blended Learning in the Classroom’, Creative Commons vice chair and teacher at Palo Alto High School
- Rapid fire presentations by UK and Lithuania Google Science Fair finalists
- Followed by a panel discussion with Google, VZW Moorsledegem school, Lego and EU institutions representatives
- 14.30 End of debate and coffee
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What is this course about?
This 2-day seminar will be dedicated to looking at the key challenges of simplification, reduction of administrative burden and result-orientation of the St