of all European Affairs Events, conferences, presentations and workshops.


Mon, 11/16/2015 to Wed, 11/18/2015


Marriott Hotel

Event Type

L - Conference, forum

Organiser type

Federations / Associations



Event Location


Event Description

As the European Commission is preparing an ambitious review of the EU’s digital rulebook and consulting extensively on the telecoms framework, connectivity needs of the future, platforms and standards, ECTA’s Annual Regulatory Conference will explore a wide range of timely policy issues in a series of keynote speeches and panel discussions.
Our world is moving online with significant consequences for not only end-users and industry but also digital policies. Senior policy makers, industry representatives and experts will discuss the emerging ‘Internet of Things’, the connectivity needs of a connected world, investments in the digital highways of the future, preventing new digital divides, tackling monopolies and duopolies, platforms, spectrum, the institutional set-up of regulating the Digital Single Market and many more exciting topics.
Latest speakers announced:
Allison Kirkby, CEO, Tele2
Baroness Dido Harding, CEO, TalkTalk Group PLC
Maxime Lombardini, CEO, Iliad
Martin Witt, CEO, 1&1 Telecommunication SE
Alberto Calcagno, CEO, Fastweb SpA
Alex Goldblum, CEO, Eurofiber
Johannes Pruchnow, CEO, Versatel
Anthony Whelan, Director, Dir B — Electronic Communications Networks and Services, DG CNECT, European Commission
Jurand Drop, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Administration and Digital Affairs, Poland
Kevin O’Brien, Commissioner, Communications Regulation Ireland, COMREG
Steve Unger, Group Director and Executive Board Member, OFCOM
Jos C. De Groot, Director, Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs
Johan Keetelaar, Director, ACM, Autoriteit Consument & Markt
Anna Krzyzanowska, Head of Unit, Broadband, European Commission
Carlo d'Asaro Biondo, President EMEA strategic relationships, Google
Keynote speakers include:
Roberto Viola - Director General, DG CNECT, European Commission
Adina-Ioana Vălean MEP - Vice President of the European Parliament
Professor. Fátima Barros - BEREC Chair 2015 and Chair of ANACOM's Management Board
Dr. Wilhelm Eschweiler - Vice President, BNetzA and incoming BEREC Chair 2016
Fore more information, please click here.

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