Encryption and Lawful Access: Stakeholder Speed Dating Event
Event Location
Event Description
Can privacy and security online really coexist through strong encryption? Should law enforcement authorities have access to your private communications?
The Internet Society European Bureau is pleased to invite you to an exclusive event on encryption and lawful access in Brussels on 25th June.
Join us to have a multistakeholder discussion on the critical debate on encryption and lawful access solutions for crime prevention and combatting terrorism, particularly in the light of the recent G7 outcome document and the Christchurch Call.
You will hear from speakers representing civil society, EU institutions and technical community and be a part of the discussion in a creative “speed dating” format.
Our speakers are:
- Julie Ward, MEP, European Parliament
- Peter Eberl, Deputy Head of Unit-Electronic Communications Policy, DG CONNECT
- Jens-Henrik Jeppesen, Director for European Affairs, Center for Democracy & Technology
- Klaus Landefeld, Vice Chair of the Board & Director Infrastructure & Networks, eco – Association of the Internet Industry
When: 25 June between 18:00-21:00
Where: Stanhope Hotel-Balmoral III, Rue du Commerce 9, Brussels
Networking cocktail will follow.
Registration: https://bit.ly/31K6bNF
Contact: eubureau@isoc.org
Learn more about Internet Society’s work around encryption at our website.
Event link: https://www.internetsociety.org/events/encryption-and-lawful-access-speed-dating/
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