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ERA: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Rights


15 Apr 2019 to 16 Apr 2019





Event Description

Legal challenges



In light of the rapid and unregulated development of artificial intelligence (AI) and its possible repercussions on human rights, the seminar will stimulate legal debate on regulation and the application in practice of legal principles related to AI in line with the European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Key topics

  • Compliance and responsibility for human rights violations
  • Discrimination in AI
  • Freedom of expression
  • Right to life
  • Right to a fair trial
  • Right to an effective remedy
  • Algorithmic justice
  • AI and democracy


    >> Further information and 
    online registration




    Confirmed Speakers

    Robin Allen QC, Joint Head of Cloisters Barristers’ Chambers; Chair of the Equality and Diversity Committee of the Bar Council of England and Wales; London

    Ulf Buermeyer, Judge, Berlin Regional Court

    Raja Chatila, Member of the European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence; Professor of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Ethics, Sorbonne University, Paris

    Dory Reiling, Honorary Senior Judge; Independent Expert on Information Technology and Judicial Reform, Haarlem

    Pauline Warnotte, Legal Advisor, Belgian Ministry of Defence, Brussels

    Aleš Završnik, Research Counsellor, Institute of Criminology, Ljubljana; Associate Professor, University of Ljubljana; EURIAS Researcher 2017-18, Collegium Helveticum, Zürich



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