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EUREKA 2016 – Heating, Cooling & Ventilation: Sustainable technologies for a better life
Event Location
Event Description
EPEE and EVIA are delighted to invite you to their inaugural conference “EUREKA 2016: Heating, Cooling & Ventilation: Sustainable technologies for a better life”!
Join an innovative experience – EUREKA 2016, the first of its kind, will assemble representatives from the industry, decision-makers, users, NGOs, and the academic community to discuss the future of the HVACR industry, how we can prepare the future for the next generations, and what role today and tomorrow's policies should play.
The objective – Identify the needs of the next generations and explore how our sector can ensure sustainability and comfort in the long term!
The concept – The introductory Plenary Session will open the way for four interactive panel sessions in which distinguished speakers will share their views on the current developments and issues of the HVACR industry.
These panels will be followed by two break-out sessions in which panellists, moderators and participants will address key questions on the needs and desires of the next generations and how industry and policy should adapt.
The panel and break-out sessions, will focus on the cold chain and buildings though the following themes:
- Refrigerants: The impact of the new F-Gas rules in Europe and beyond
- Food waste: The role of refrigeration in reducing food waste
- Indoor Air Quality: Increasing political awareness on indoor air quality & thermal comfort
- Buildings: Driving energy efficiency in buildings
Join us on 13 December and:
- Hear about global, European and local policy challenges and opportunities for the industry;
- Exchange with peers, stakeholders and policymakers on how the HVACR industry can help shape and innovate the world;
- Expand your network;
- Contribute to the creation of a unique policy tool to position our industry!
The conference has already attracted many engaging speakers: the European Commission, AREA (contractors’ association), REHVA (Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations), EHPA (heat pumps), IIR (International Institute of Refrigeration), the Aachen Technical University, Deloitte, Delhaize, and many more!
Find out more about the programme and speakers here!
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