The MobiliseSME Final Conference "The Future of a Mobility Scheme for SMEs and their Employees in Europe" will be the occasion to present the findings of the MobiliseSME pilot scheme for the mobility of employees of SMEs in Europe.
Harnessing European Labour Mobility – towards the goal of a common European labour market
Event Location
Event Description
The free movement of workers, while being one of the EU’s key success stories, remains the topic of heated debates. Most recently, intra-EU mobility again made negative headlines in many Member States when transitional arrangements restricting the free movement of Bulgarian and Romanian citizens were lifted on 1 January 2014. Often, free movement is publicly perceived as a burden rather than an opportunity.
Yet, this debate is emerging at a time when the need for increased intra-EU labour mobility is more urgent than ever. Some Member States grapple with high unemployment while others enjoy thriving labour markets and even face skill shortages. Against this backdrop, labour mobility can act as an important adjustment mechanism in helping the EU achieve its vision of convergence and inclusive economic growth.
For this reason, the Bertelsmann Stiftung has initiated the Harnessing European Labour Mobility (HELM) project. By advancing a set of concrete policy recommendations, we aim to re-orientate the debate about free movement to the essential question: What can the European Union and individual Member States do in order to facilitate intra-EU labour mobility and maximize its potential for growth and employment?
On 8 April 2014, the final report of this project, involving a group of leading experts on European mobility and migration issues, will be presented to the public. The presentation of the study will be followed by a high-level panel discussion providing European policy-makers as well as representatives of trade unions, employers and civil society the opportunity to discuss the European mobility challenge and to think about the next steps towards the goal of a common European labour market.
This event to which you are cordially invited will take place on 8 April 2014, from 18.30 to 20.15 at the Résidence Palace, Rue de la Loi 155, 1040 Brussels.
To register please use the following link:
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