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How to innovate in EU policy making?


Fri, 11/17/2017 to Sat, 11/18/2017


Institut d'études européennes- ULB
Avenue F.D. Roosevelt 39
1050  Brussels


Regional Policy

Event Location


Event Description

An Executive Course for EU Professionals
November 17-18. Institute for European Studies- ULB
Policy makers are increasingly asked to come up with better solutions faster. Citizens are more and more frustrated with what they perceive to be a lack of listening and effectiveness.
Can the principles of creativity and innovation management be applied to the public sector? Can they help rebuild trust and more fruitful relationships with outside parties? How?
Building on a diversity of actual case studies of creativity in EU policy making and beyond, this hands-on class will help you identify tools for change that can work for you in your professional context and to map out the key concepts and tools of creativity and innovation in politics.
Participants will thus:
  • Develop a clear understanding of what constitutes a creative policy solution at EU level
  • Identify the obstacles that stand in the way;
  • Learn some of the key techniques and reforms to overcome those obstacles.
When: 17-18 November, 2017
Where: Institut d'études européennes- ULB. Avenue F.D. Roosevelt 39, 1050. Brussels
Cost: 250 euros
The speaker
CEO of, Boucher is visiting professor at the Solvay Brussels School. Author of the "Petit manuel de créativité politique". He has an MPA from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.


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