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The impact of Digital and Artificial Intelligence on audit and finance professionals: harnessing the opportunities of disruptive technologies


Wed, 01/30/2019


Renaissance Hotel
rue du Parnasse


Euro & Finance

Event Location


Event Description

Finance professionals, auditors and accountants have always exploited emerging technologies to help them complete their tasks more accurately, quickly or simply: from the incised clay tablets of the Sumerian scribes, through the adding machines of the 19th century, to the calculators and computers of the 20th century. But all of these technology developments were very simple propositions compared to the myriad technologies that are now rapidly reshaping the worlds of business, accountancy and audit. 
A ‘new normal’ is emerging: technology trends in cloud, big data, mobile and social collaboration are converging to change the ways in which we consume information technology resources, share knowledge and experiences, and access products and services, underpinning and influencing developments in cyber security, digital service delivery, robotics, machine-learning, augmented and virtual reality, and artificial intelligence, which could be a game-changer for business generally, and final services in particular. But what does it mean in terms of transformation and relevance of both the activity of audit, and of finance professionals? 
To address the myths and fears around AI and the role of humans in the value chain, ACCA and EY are delighted to invite you to a lively roundtable on how to harness the opportunities offered by these new disruptive technologies. Discussions will revolve around how data mining/ analytics can reinforce the quality of the audit; the changing role of the auditors and finance professionals in embracing change, how to adapt their skills, training and education; and how auditing standards will evolve as a result of digital transformation.
Please RSVP to by 15 January
Draft agenda
11.30pm Registrations and sandwich lunch
12.30pmWelcome speech, Jeanne Boillet, Global Assurance Innovation leader, EY 
12.40pmPanel discussion moderated by Alain Deckers,  head of the Corporate Reporting, Audit and CRAs unit, DG FISMA invited
  • Sue Almond, member of IAASB’s data analytic working group, Global Head of Assurance, Grant Thornton Ial Ltd
  • Mark Edmondson, CEO, inflosoftware
  • Prof Marleen Willekens, KU Leuven
  • Olivier Boutellis-Taft, CEO, AccountancyEurope
14.00pm Q&As
14.20pm Concluding remarks Andrew Gambier, Head of Audit and Assurance, ACCA 
14.30 end

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