INNOWATER Conference: Europe’s Next Super Model for Innovation Systems, Internationalization and Tools for the European Water Sector
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Event Description
On June 19th, the INNOWATER conference ‘Europe’s Next Super Model - Innovation systems, internationalization and tools for the European Water Sector’ will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The European Water Sector faces challenging circumstances. Public funding is cut across Europe, but innovation is ever more seen as a priority. A crucial question that arises is how governments can support innovation: What support can still be given by governments? What tools are required by SME’s to support them to innovate? How should these tools be linked to the government support systems?
In an interactive setting, the conference will address current support systems in Europe as well as opportunities for solid and sustainable innovation support models. Innovation experts together with European governments will present case studies, share best practices and discuss lessons learned within the INNOWATER partnership.
We are looking forward to your active contribution in shaping and defining the contours of Europe’s Next Super Model for innovation support!
For more information on the conference agenda, please click here.
Participating in the conference is free of charge.
Please register before June 14th by replying to this email.
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