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Internal, External and Performance Audit of the EU-Funded Programmes and Projects


Wed, 04/25/2018 to Fri, 04/27/2018


Hotel Catalonia Eixample 1864
Roger de Llúria, 60
ES – 08009  Barcelona


Euro & Finance

Event Location


Event Description

This highly practical three-day course will give you a complete overview and detailed understanding of all practical aspects of control (external and internal) and audit of EU Funds in the programming period 2014-2020 and the closure of the period 2007-2013. It covers:
Relevant legislation
Methods of increasing efficiency of control and audits
Combating fraud and preventing irregularities
Practical knowhow through workshops on audit of public procurement, audit of State Aid, and Performance audit
The unique feature of this course is that it covers the experience of internal and external audit experts from the public sector, the EU Commission, as well as the European Court of Auditors (ECA) and OLAF
How will it help you?
We have made this course very practical and interactive. All presentations conducted by audit experts include concrete examples and real case studies. Each of them is followed by a practical workshop in small working groups with direct involvement of ECA’s experts, where you will learn about errors and irregularities and about how audits are performed.
Who will benefit most?
Beneficiaries eligible under Structural Funds, Cohesion Fund and IPA II Managing Authorities, Certifying Authorities  Audit Authorities, Intermediate Bodies
Independent auditors and junior auditors dealing with or interested in EU-funded projects and programmes
Consulting companies specialised in the auditing of EU Funds or programmes and projects
What will you be able to do with what you learn?
You will improve your knowledge about errors, irregularities, and fraud in ESIF co-financed projects with special focus on Public Procurement and State Aid. You will also learn how financial, compliance, and performance audits should be performed.

Events of the week


EBA - European Biogas Association
Technical and Project officer
European Gas Research Group (GERG)
Communications Officer
Personal Assistant
European DIGITAL SME Alliance
Policy Officer
Federation of European Securities Exchanges (FESE)
Junior Policy Adviser
The Carbon Capture Storage Association (CCSA)
EU Independent Board Director
BDA | Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände e.V.
Europareferentin / Europareferent (m/w/d)
European DIGITAL SME Alliance
Policy Trainee
Sales & Events Intern