International Aluminium Recycling Congress 2019
Tue, 02/26/2019 to Wed, 02/27/2019
Hotel L’Europe
Climate & Environment
Event Location
Event Description
Launched in 1990 and held every two years, the International Aluminium Recycling Congress is one of the leading aluminium recycling events today.
The Congress will bring together over 150 participants – policy makers, decision makers of the aluminium recycling industry, processing companies, media representatives, and experts from across the globe to discuss market trends, innovation, applications and the latest political developments in the field of aluminium recycling and the circular economy.
The Congress also includes a welcome cocktail & dinner in the Cité de l’Automobile museum on Tuesday 26th of February and a field trip to Constellium aluminium plant in Neuf-Brisach on Wednesday the 27th of February.
We look forward to welcoming you at the Congress!
For further information please contact our secretariat congress@european-aluminium.eu
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