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Issues in Cancer Care – The Early Bird Debate | Head & Neck, the cancer you can see... but its impact is unknown to society


08 Jul 2020 08:30


Health & Consumers

Event Description

While cancer is high on the political agenda many issues in cancer care still require a broad stakeholder dialogue, balancing pro’s and con’s to take action together. Improving cancer patients’ lives is indeed a joint effort. The debate started at the European Cancer Forum continues with early birds in a series of webinars. The discussion draws on the conclusions reached in the last edition and are designed to ensure that cancer care remains a priority in Europe, where one in four deaths are caused by cancer.

A lively debate, open and frank, not too scared to bump sometimes in the elephant in the room, can make a change. Wake up with the Issues in Cancer Care – The Early Bird Debate to hear what cancer experts, patient representatives and healthcare professionals have to say while Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan is being developed.

Join the next webinar “Head & Neck, the cancer you can see… but its impact is unknown to society” on 8 July 2020, from 8:30AM to hear from our distinguished guests:

MEP Susana Solís Pérez

Renew Europe Group (ES), Member of MEPs Against Cancer

Chris Curtis

Chairman of The Swallows

Head & Neck Cancer Support Group, survivor of H&N cancer

Moderated by:

Duane Schulthess

Managing Director, Vital Transformation

Register here.


Aboca SpA Società Agricola
Public Affairs Manager
Fuels Europe
EU Affairs Trainee
Department of Brain and Behavioral Sciences
Research Fellowship in artificial systems in Neuroscience
Consultant - Analyst
Public Power Corporation Belgium
Policy Officer
European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs (EUCOPE)
Communications Manager
Energy Policy Intern
Strago Healthcare
Multiple Consultant Roles