LNG and the EU Green Deal: teaming up for a decarbonised 2050
Event Location
Event Description
An event of LNG Protocol supported by Florence School of Regulation and GasNaturally
20 January, 15.00-18.00, Brussels (The Office, Rue d'Arlon 80)
Registration starts at 14.30
For registrations : please send an email to Jamila Saoudi Jamila.Saoudi@gie.eu and gie@gie.eu by 16 January.
15.00-15.15 Setting the scene
- Ilaria Conti |Florence School of Regulation
- Tomislav Ćorić |Croatian Minister of Energy, Croatian Presidency Florian Ermacora |DG ENER
15.15-16.00 Energy transition – how can LNG contribute?
Moderator: Jonathan Stern | Oxford Institute of Energy Studies
Setting the scene:
Outlook 2030&2050 for LNG
- Tim Gould| International Energy Agency (IEA)
Panel discussion:
- Florian Ermacora | DG ENER
- Tomislav Ćorić |Croatian Minister of Energy, Croatian Presidency
- Vincent Demoury | GIIGNL Tim Gould | IEA
- James Watson | GasNaturally
16.00-16.05 Keynote speech: Opportunities for LNG as a fuel uptake
by Francisco de la Flor, Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE)
16.05-16.20 Coffee break
16.20-17.00 Road transport – powering engines with sustainable solutions
Moderator: Cécile Nourigat | Union of Independent Fuel Suppliers (UPEI)
Panel discussion:
- Alexandre PAQUOT | DG CLIMA
- Susanna Pflüger | European Biogas Association (EBA) Michele Ziosi | CNH Industrial
- Petr Dolejsi | European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA)
- Jorgo Chatzimarkakis | HydrogenEurope
17.00-17.50 Maritime transport – cleaner cruising to 2050
Moderator: Tore Longva | DNVGL
Setting the scene:
LNG for cleaner maritime shipping
Steve Esau | SEA\LNG
Panel discussion:
- Petra Doubkova| DG MOVE
- Mark Bell | SGMF
- Tom Strang | Carnival
- Rik Goetinck | Port of Zeebrugge
17.50-18.00 Conclusions of the day
- Roxana Caliminte | LNG Protocol
- Ilaria Conti | Florence School of Regulation
Starting with 18.00 | Cocktails and chats
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Languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Polish
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