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#MEDIA4DEMOCRACY - Networking event for MEPs


Tue, 06/04/2019 - 18:30


Members' Salon
European Parliament
1000  Brussels



Event Location


Event Description

Sound democracies need healthy media. The new EU mandate after these elections will show this. The role of media in a changing society is crucial for our democracies, now more than ever. Yet, the sector faces threats on a daily basis, from fake news to mistrust. Are policymakers and the media sector adapting and facing these constantly evolving threats? 
Fondation EURACTIV, in cooperation with EU40 and EFJ, is organising a networking event for MEPs in order to raise awareness on the central strategic role media policy will play in the new Parliament.
Tuesday 4 June 2019 - 18:30
European Parliament - Members' Salon (MEPs restaurant)
- Welcoming words given by hosting MEP (Franc BOGOVIČ - EPP, SL)
- Few words on #Media4Democracy by Christophe Leclercq (Founder of Fondation EURACTIV) and Olav Aamlid Syversen (Deputy Head EU Affairs, Equinor)
- Awards for deserving MEPs who worked on media issues presented by:
  •  Jean-Marie Cavada, MEP, former Chair of the EP media intergroup 2009-2014
  • Ricardo Gutierrez, European Federation of Journalists Secretary General. EFJ is the largest organisation of journalists in Europe, representing the interests of journalists’ unions and associations.
- Video coverage, interviews with attending MEPs and pictures
This June 4th event is designed in the framework of the #Media4Democracy process: a series of events around the media sector’s needs among media professionals and policy makers, including this policy conference on June 25th. Further associations support this event, such as EMMA (European Magazine Media Association), News Media Europe, CIVICO-Europa, in addition to EFJ, EU40 and Fondation EURACTIV.


Events of the week