Neighbouring Russia: Central and Eastern Europe after Russia's full-scale attack on Ukraine
Event Description
How did the Central and Eastern European states react to Russia's full-scale attack on Ukraine? Andrea Virág, Director of Strategy at the Republikon Institute (Hungary), and Witold Zembaczyński, vice-president of the Nowoczesna party (Poland), will give an insight into the foreign and security policy discourses and explain concrete political changes. Why is it that the two usually close partners are so divided on the issues of support for Ukraine and of Russian aggression?
The talk is moderated by Dr. Detmar Doering, Project Director of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom for Central Europe and the Baltic States.
About our series „Neighbouring Russia“: How did Russia's neighbouring countries react one year after the full-scale attack on Ukraine? That is what the Friedrich Naumann Foundation wants to explore in a twelve-part virtual series of events. Together with international experts, we examine individual countries or regions and discuss important domestic and foreign policy processes.
The event will take place via Zoom. You will receive the corresponding link with your confirmation. We are looking forward to your participation.
Register here: https://shop.freiheit.org/#!/Veranstaltung/PS4VG