Opportunities from energy saving obligations & alternative measures
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Event Description
EBC and UIPI joined forces to organise a series of roundtables on the theme of “Financing energy efficiency in private housing”. After a first seminar on the opportunities provided by the Juncker Plan, the second workshop will explore the possibilities offered by Article 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive. It will take place on Friday 14th October 2016 from 9.00 to 13.00 at rue Jacques de Lalaing 4, 1040 Brussels – 1st floor.
The seminar on 14th October will focus on the Energy Saving Obligations Schemes and alternative measures set by the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED). The purpose of this event is to discuss whether existing energy savings obligation schemes in the EU or alternative measures - in the Member States which have chosen this option - could provide a suitable complement to finance and boost energy efficiency renovation in the privately-owned building stock.
The agenda will follow soon.
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Confirmed speakers include Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič, Commissioner for Climate Action & Energy Miguel Arias Cañete, Kaja Kallas MEP, Krišjānis Kariņš MEP, Claude Turmes MEP, ENTSO-E's Bente Hagem and Ben Voorhorst, and many more.
Languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Polish
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