The next Amazon Academy event in Brussels - Delivering innovation: from Prime Air to Europe's eCommerce future
Press Freedom in a Digital World:
The value of Copyright
18:00 - Welcome by François le Hodey, CEO of IPM/La Libre Belgique, Member of ENPA Executive Committee and ENPA Board
Opening by ENPA President Carlo Perrone, Vice President, Italiana Editrice S.p.A. (ITEDI - La Stampa & Il Secolo XIX)
18:15 – Panel discussion moderated by Natalia Drozdiak, Reporter, The Wall Street Journal with:
• Therese Comodini Cachia, rapporteur in the European Parliament
• Laurent Joffrin, Director of Libération and Editeur-in-Chief of Nouvel Observateur
• Thomas Höppner, professor of civil and intellectual property law, Berlin
• Fabienne Brison, doctor in law (with a PhD on performers’ neighbouring rights) and professor of intellectual property, media law and ICT law at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).
19:00 – ENPA Vice-President Valdo Lehari Jr, Publisher and Managing Director/CEO Reutlinger General Anzeiger welcoming Commissioner Oettinger
Key-note speech by Commissioner Günther Oettinger, Digital Economy & Society
Conclusion by ENPA President Carlo Perrone.
19:30 - Dinner Reception
The next Amazon Academy event in Brussels - Delivering innovation: from Prime Air to Europe's eCommerce future
In an era of digitalization, people are going to count even more. They interpret big data and exercise judgment.
Join us to discuss innovations in business and the impact of technology on professionals!
Media Briefing: EIT Digital Strategic Innovation Agenda 2017- 19