National and European politics have a significant impact on media freedom.

Roundtable: Democracy, Journalism and Literacy in the Era of Post-truth
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Event Description
The roundtable: Democracy, Journalism & Literacy in the era of post-truth is organised by CMPF (the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom) and EAVI (the European Association for Viewers Interests), hosted by MEPs Barbara Spinelli and Curzio Maltese.
Freedom of expression and freedom and pluralism of the media are fundamental rights and principles enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Media pluralism and media freedom are essential to guarantee a democratic environment for all EU citizens and constitute the foundations of any healthy democratic society: they are conditions to guarantee that individuals have access to a variety of information and may form their opinions by taking into account different perspectives and points of view. Internet, the World Wide Web and Social Media have enhanced the opportunities for citizens to contribute to the public discourse.
Within this evolving media landscape, web platforms, mobile applications and digital devices are increasingly affecting the creation, dissemination and consumption of news and other information. While these technologies offer plentiful opportunities for citizens to be informed and actively participate in the public debate, it is also the primary vehicle for the massive diffusion and amplification of dis-information and other harmful or potentially deceiving content.
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