The German and Dutch industrial sectors are facing major challenges to decarbonise operations. These sectors are a major source of employment in both countries with significant carbon emissions contributions.

Strategic Roadmap launch
Event Type
Event Location
Event Description
LightingEurope is looking forward to welcome you at the following events:
Strategic Roadmap launch
In this press-conference LightingEurope will reveal their Strategic Roadmap 2025. This defines for the coming decade how the European Lighting industry, present in LightingEurope, will drive market growth in Europe, will contribute to employment and to the wellbeing of people in buildings and outdoors through lighting. Attendance is limited to press and invited guests.
In this EU supported event, open to the public, scientists will inform on latest research on human centric lighting, the city of Malmö explains a successful project in school lighting and innovations developed with the open innovation concept will be shown. For further info:
Related Events
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Vorstellung und Diskussion Di, 10. April, 18.00 – 20.00 Uhr
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Schumannstraße 8, 10117 Berlin
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Background info Climate Change Adaptation
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