The German and Dutch industrial sectors are facing major challenges to decarbonise operations. These sectors are a major source of employment in both countries with significant carbon emissions contributions.

Technologies for Transition
Event Location
Event Description
11:30 - 13:00, Tuesday, 27 September 2016
The energy internet takes the stage at the WindEurope Summit 2016. Join Ian Mays from RES when he explores the new energy paradigm with Envision, Senvion, Innogy, Adwen and Statoil.
The key to a competitive edge lies in solutions that are cost-effective and contribute to a secure and well-functioning power system. A number of leading European wind energy companies are already developing these solutions. But they are facing an ever stiffer global competition.
Driving down costs remains crucial – both on- and offshore. Discuss with Jürgen Geißinger and Philippe Kavafyan which innovations are on the radar of Senvion and Adwen. Digitisation might rank high but how (much) can it help? Lei Zhang heads one of China’s leading suppliers and he will present how the Energy Internet of Things creates synergies in power system management.
Stephen Bull, from Statoil, and Hans Bünting, from Innogy, complete the picture and explain the business consequences of an increase in electricity demand combined with decentralisation.
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