What will the German presidency deliver on Circular Economy?
Event Description
This webinar is a side event of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference.
The event will focus on the on-going discussions under the German Presidency of the Council regarding the New Circular Economy Action plan and the key measures that are needed to ensure the full achievement of EU ambitions.
It will discuss where we stand on some of the main deliverables including measures to boost recycling markets, such as mandatory recycled contents and eco-design, and waste exports, Waste-to-Energy and landfilling. It will also address how the EU Recovery Plan renders waste management and the circular economy a key priority.
With the kind participation of:
– Dr Christoph EPPING, Head of the Resource and Waste Department at the German Federal Ministry of the Environment, German Presidency, Berlin
– MEP Jan HUITEMA, Rapporteur on the new Circular Economy Action Plan, European Parliament – ENVI Committee (Greens/EFA, The Netherlands)
– MEP Sirpa PIETIKÄINEN, Shadow-Rapporteur on the new Circular Economy Action Plan, European Parliament – ENVI Committee (EPP, Finland)
– Mattia PELLEGRINI, European Commission, Head of Unit, Waste Management and Secondary Materials, DG ENV
– Stéphane ARDITI, Policy Manager for Circular Economy, Products & Waste, European Environmental Bureau
– Peter KURTH, FEAD President
Jacki DAVIS, Meade Davis Communications