Polytalk 2014 (4th Edition)
Event Location
Event Description
Under the overall topic "An Industrial Renaissance in Europe … Really?”, The 4th edition of PolyTalk - a major industry summit, will gather captains of the world plastics industry and related markets, European policy makers and representatives of civil society to address issues vital to a genuine sustainable European growth in a global economy.
PolyTalk will open with a keynote address by Jeremy Rifkin, world renowned economist on “European Industry’s Competitiveness in the Global Economy - Challenges and Opportunities”.
This year, the summit will explore the many possible (and innovative) paths leading to a long-awaited industrial renaissance in Europe, with resulting payoffs for the plastics manufacturing sector.
Top EU policy makers and representatives from the world of finance and banking will join the captains of the plastics industry in discussions on how Europe’s industries in general and the plastics industry in particular, can support Europe’s growth strategy and contribute to raising its contribution to EU GDP from 15.2% to 20% by 2020.
Speakers will analyse the situation from a European and global perspective and provide a wealth of know-how and expertise to support business and political decisions in the years to come. As in past editions, PolyTalk 2014 will also host workshops and break-out sessions dedicated to plastics waste management, marine litter solutions and plastics safety.
Detailed information on PolyTalk 2014 will soon be available on www.plasticseurope.org
In the meantime, SAVE THE DATE … and BE PART OF IT!
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