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The Workshop on Social Life Cycle Assessment


Fri, 04/05/2019 - 10:00 to 17:00


Auditorium Breydel Building
Av. d'Audgerghem 45



Event Location


Event Description

We have the pleasure of inviting you to participate in the 1st workshop on Social Life Cycle Assessment (SLCA), scheduled to take place in Brussels on 5 April 2019 in the auditorium in the Breydel Building (Av. d'Auderghem 45, Brussels). 
For security reasons, please send your name, nationality, birth date, ID card number, its expiry date and your e-mail address to, at the latest on 1 April 2019.
The data collected within the framework of access control to European Commission buildings is handled in accordance with Regulation (EC) № 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the "protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions". 
Please show this invitation to Security at the entrance of the building.
We look forward to welcoming you to the meeting.
Draft Agenda
1. Opening and scope of the meeting - European Commission (DG GROW)
2. Policy background: Initiatives & expectations 
  • Global level (UNEP guidance + SDGs) -  Lorenç Milà I Canals, UNEP and Life Cycle Initiative; 
  • EU level (industrial policy; initiatives and research work; the “added value” for the EU; top down or bottom up approach?) - European Commission (DG GROW/DG JRC)
3. What's available right now? – state of the art of Social LCA  methodology development 
  • Scientific research and practical implementation - Marzia Traverso, project manager from the S-LCA guidelines project of the Life Cycle Initiative; 
  • Wrap up (key methodology/tools/data availability/use at practical level) Cathrine Benoit Norris 
4. Practical experience 
  • Social LCA Roundtable -  Mark Goedkoop
  • WBCSD – Handbook of social Impact for Chemical Sector - Peter Saling, BASF  
  • SCORELCA - Alessandra Zamagni
  • SAM (implementation to Agri-Food) - Luigia Petti, project Agri-Food
  • UNEP Social Public Procurement Programme (SPP) - tbc
  • Wrap up (best practices so far/future development/pilot/policy in the EU?) - Paolo Masoni, Ecoinnovazione
5. Other initiatives
  • Sustainable finance/Social economy/ Standardisation (ISO 26000 and CEN) - European Commission (DG GROW)
6. Discussion
  • Launch of call for Interest of Pilot Projects for the implementation of the revised guidelines - Marzia Traverso
  • Potential EU actions by different stakeholders
5. Summary and next steps - European Commission (DG GROW)


Events of the week


European Liver Patients' Association - ELPA
Events Manager
European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS)
UEMS Administrative Assistant
Motion Picture Association
Senior Manager, Government Affairs, EMEA
Harwood Levitt Consulting
Junior Consultant
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability - EUROPE
Junior Expert: Governance Innovation