of all European Affairs Events, conferences, presentations and workshops.

S&D - Socialists and Democrats

Events from this company

  • 11:00-11:10 Opening by Tom Deleu (EFBWW General Secretary) and Agnes Jongerius (S&D)

S&D event: Designing Artificial Intelligence for All

Save the date! We are happy to announce that we are organising an event in Saarbrücken on 10 March, focusing on cross-border workers' rights. 

The Future is Democracy: Progressive Europe at crossroads - Saturday 11 December from 9.45 to 18.00

Europe is in danger.
#Europe Together event: Shaping our society - Time for another future.
School of Democracy:  20 to 22 March, 2019
We need to be Digital, Successful and Social. How do we get there?
Call for application : Step it up for Gender Equality in a Progressive Society, Youth for Gender Equality Forum 2019.
What is it?
Progressive Society - Saving the Internet for the many not the few.
#EuropeTogether event:  Call to Europe Conference - United for a Social Europe.
Millennial dialogue on Europe - Join the millennial world cafe! (26 & 27 Nov)
Fighting for Democracy - #EuropeTogether.
25 years have passed since the Copenhagen Criteria were agreed upon. These rules determine the eligibility for EU membership based on, among other criteria, the preservation of democratic values.
S&D Group conference: Right-wing populist discourses, attitudes and vote in a changing EU. Introduction by the chair of the S&D working group on Extremism : Tanja Fajon MEP
S&D Group Africa Week 2018

Consumer rights

Sustainable agriculture, safer food, strong rural communities


At the European Parliament in Brussels in room A3G-3.

On Wednesday 27 September 2017 from 14h30 - 17h30.



Investing in Europe - Investing in people! The Future of the European Cohesion Policy

“European policy response to rare cancers: the case of sarcoma”
8th February 2017, 14h30-16h30
European Parliament, Altiero Spinelli building, room A5E-2, Brussels


Events of the week


Sales Executive
ECA - European Cockpit Association
Junior Aviation Safety Coordinator
APPLiA - Home Appliance Europe
Digital & Competitiveness Policy Internship
APPLiA - Home Appliance Europe
Energy & Environment Policy Internship
Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA)
EU Director
AIJA - International Association of Young Lawyers
Communications Assistant
Membership Intern