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100 Days of President Trump in Office


27 Apr 2017 08:30 to 11:30


European Parliament, Room ASP 1G3
Rue Wiertz 60
1047  Brussels


Global Europe

Event Location


Event Description

An analysis presented by academic experts from the United States of America

European Parliament, Room ASP 1G3


April 27th

08:30 - 11:30 a.m.




08:30 opening and welcome by Dimitris Papadimoulis, MEP, Vice-President European Parliament, SYRIZA delegation in GUE/NGL


Panel debate (moderator Helmut Scholz, MEP, DIE LINKE Delegation in GUE/NGL)


08:45 Dr. James Skelly: The red button - How is President Trump responding to crisis situations in Korea and in the Middle East?

Dr. James Skelly is the founder and Academic Director of The Centre on Critical Thinking and has been involved as a Director Emeritus of the Baker Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies at Juniata College in Pennsylvania where he had served for many years as a Senior Fellow.



09:30 Dr. Anastasia Romanou: Crisis, what Crisis? How does President Trump change climate change policies of the U.S.?

Dr Anastasia (Natassa) Romanou is research faculty at NASAs Goddard Institute for Space Studies in the Columbia University in New York. Her focus of studies is Climate Change and the Earths global carbon cycle. She studied Physics in the University of Athens in Greece and completed her doctoral and postdoctoral work in various academic and research institutions in the United States.


10:15 Ethan Young: The battle of conservative vs progressive policies - A summary of 100 days of President Trump in office. Will Trump unite the American left?

Ethan Young is a Brooklyn based political analyst and activist who works with Left Labor Project NYC. He actively supported the campaign for Bernie Sanders.


Followed by Q & A


11:15 closing remarks by Matt Carthy, MEP, Sinn Fein delegation in GUE/NGL


This event is brought to the European Parliament in a joined initiative of the delegations of DIE LINKE., Sinn Fein, and Syriza in the GUE/NGL group.


Events of the week


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