The next Amazon Academy event in Brussels - Delivering innovation: from Prime Air to Europe's eCommerce future
Ultra High Definition Television (UHDTV) is the latest exciting innovation in in - home entertainment and will offer a big change to the viewing experience with more pixels, enhanced colour, greater dynamic range and higher frame rates contributing to a much more immersive feel. Using innovative technology and the new Ultra HD TVs arriving in stores this year Sky Deutschland, Pace and BSkyB unveil what is in store for TV, games, and blu - ray.
Join us on the evening of 27th November
(from 17.30 CET to 20.30) for an opportunity to understand the contribution of pay TV to the growth in consumer choice and how businesses see regulation.
Bibliothèque Solvay|Rue Belliard 137|1040 Brussels
Registrations to
The next Amazon Academy event in Brussels - Delivering innovation: from Prime Air to Europe's eCommerce future
In an era of digitalization, people are going to count even more. They interpret big data and exercise judgment.
Join us to discuss innovations in business and the impact of technology on professionals!
Press Freedom in a Digital World:
The value of Copyright
Media Briefing: EIT Digital Strategic Innovation Agenda 2017- 19