The next Amazon Academy event in Brussels - Delivering innovation: from Prime Air to Europe's eCommerce future
We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the next Future Media Lounge event, to take place in Brussels on Tuesday, 16 June in the European Parliament, from 18:00-20:00. It will be moderated by David Earnshaw, President and Senior Advisor, Burson-Marsteller.
The event is scheduled for the eve of the upcoming trialogue discussions on the proposed Data Protection Regulation and it will provide an opportunity to dive into a deep debate on how data impacts media innovation and competitiveness in Europe. In this context we will reflect on the ability of the data protection regulation to boost developments in the media sector. More information and registration is available on our website:
For more information, click here.
EurActiv is a Media Partner of Data and the Future of Media.
The next Amazon Academy event in Brussels - Delivering innovation: from Prime Air to Europe's eCommerce future
In an era of digitalization, people are going to count even more. They interpret big data and exercise judgment.
Join us to discuss innovations in business and the impact of technology on professionals!
Press Freedom in a Digital World:
The value of Copyright
Media Briefing: EIT Digital Strategic Innovation Agenda 2017- 19