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EAB Conference on the European Solidarity Corps


Tue, 05/23/2017 - 09:00 to 22:00


Europäische Akademie Berlin
Bismarckallee 46/48
14193  Berlin

Event Type

L - Conference, forum

Organiser type

Federations / Associations


Social Europe & Jobs

Event Location


Event Description

We cordially invite you to the expert conference

“European Solidarity Corps:

background, implementation approaches, perspectives”

at the European Academy Berlin on May 23, 2017.

The European Solidarity Corps (ESC) is a newly established EU-initiative which shall provide opportunities for young Europeans to engage in solidarity activities across Europe, to gain experience, develop skills and increase their chances on the labour market. However, as pointed out by civil society organizations, many questions still remain to be discussed, especially concerning financial and organisational issues, as well as regarding the synergies with established EU exchange and volunteer programmes (EVS, Erasmus).

The European Academy Berlin, in cooperation with EUNET (European Network for Education and Training) and international partners, organises a one-day expert conference for German and European disseminators. The conference will pursue the following aims:

  • Information and multiperspective discussion on the current development of the ESC, especially regarding its aim to foster solidarity between the EU member states and to contribute to fighting youth unemployment in Europe,
  • Discussion about the positioning of the ESC within the landscape of existing European programmes and initiatives and the possible synergies between them,
  • Exchange on best practices and exploitation of possible common measures in civic (youth) education and voluntary work regarding the strengthening of European solidarity.

Please find the current draft version of the programme attached. Conference language will be English.

Thanks to the kind support of the Federal Foreign Office and the European Union, participation in the conference is free of charge. For those participants who need accommodation in Berlin, rooms at the European Academy Berlin are avaible at a preferential rate of 69 euros per person/night, including breakfast.

Please register (by using the form attached) no later than May 9, 2017. Places in the conference are limited.

Should you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact my colleague Ms. Claudia Rehrs (, 0049 (0)30 895951-37).

We are very much looking forward to seeing you on May 23 here at the European Academy Berlin!

Yours sincerely,

Prof. Dr. Eckart D. Stratenschulte
Director, European Academy Berlin

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