"Is the European roll-out of smart meters on track? And what is the approach taken to handle privacy and security?"
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Event Description
EURELECTRIC and ESMIG, the European Smart Metering Industry Group, have the pleasure in inviting you to their joint workshop "Is the European roll-out of smart meters on track? And what is the approach taken to handle privacy and security?", which will be held in Brussels on 6 December 2012.
The introduction of smart meters in Europe is in full progress: due to EU legislation such as the Energy Services Directive and the 3rd Energy Package, smart meters are firmly on the energy policy agenda in most EU member states. A majority of countries have implemented or are about to implement some form of legal framework for the installation of smart meters. At the same time, the topic continues to generate heated debate, with different dynamics emerging in the individual EU member states.
The first part of this event will address the state of play of the smart meter roll-out across the EU: what progress has been made to date? High-level representatives will also discuss next steps and alleviate both industry and government ambitions and concerns regarding the ambitious programmes.
The second session will provide a platform allowing an exchange of views on the challenges experienced and the industry perspectives regarding smart meter related privacy, data protection and security issues. Smart meter policy and industry representatives will share their views on how data protection and security will be paramount for the further development of services and solutions that fit consumer needs.
Registration for this event is free of charge.
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