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The gender gap in the 27 EU Member States and policy measures for reducing it


Wed, 05/19/2021 - 13:00





Event Description

What will the round-table cover?

  • International and European law on gender discrimination.

  • Facts and figures regarding the gender gap in the EU 27.

  • Policy measures and funds to reduce an existing gap (EU Cohesion Policy, Recovery and Resilience Facility, JTS etc.).

  • Gender gap in audit of EU funded programmes and projects.

Background information

Non-discrimination, gender equality and equal opportunities are fundamental values in the EU. This core objective is present in all EU policies; however, the gender gap still exists.

The European Commission has recently stepped-up efforts towards reaching full gender equality in its new Gender Equality Strategy (2020-2025), which sets clear commitments and objectives relevant to the EU’s public sector and administration. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has exposed weaknesses in the distribution of opportunities and power between men and women in Europe.

This EIPA in conversation with offers not only an opportunity to reflect on the obligations that different stakeholders have towards women’s inclusion in the public sector and the benefits of it for diversity, good governance, and innovation in Europe, but also on existing measures in EU policies and funds to achieve this objective.

Our speakers will give punctual and critical views of different challenges and some recommendations on how to tackle them.


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