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GSMA Mobile 360 Europe


Wed, 09/04/2013 - 22:00



Event Type

L - Conference, forum

Organiser type

Federations / Associations


Innovation & Enterprise

Event Location


Event Description

Join us at the GSMA Mobile 360 Europe event in Brussels on 5 September 2013. It brings together policy and industry leaders, to explore how mobile technologies can help the European Union achieve its 2020 goals for growth, innovation, inclusion and sustainability.

Connected communities and cities offer the prospect of environmentally sustainable improvements in economic growth, healthcare, transportation, commerce, utilities and much more. For example, AT Kearney predicts OECD countries will make savings of around €300bn on healthcare alone in 2017, as a result of mobile-enabled solutions.

Substantive progress will require strong partnerships across vertical industry sectors and between industry and government. Join us as keynote-level decision-makers, from cities, industry, and the EU Institutions, come together in an invitation-only event. There is an excellent agenda which explores how to deliver:

  • Healthcare in the Connected Community
  • Transport in Connected Cities
  • Energy in the Connected City
  • Employment and Entrepreneurship in the Connected Community
  • Smart Policy Driving Connected Communities.

Also, step into a world of connected possibilities at the Connected Living Showcase. Join leaders in Connected Living for a showcase of products and services that will drive efficiencies and enhanced experiences in healthcare, transport, education and across smart cities.

Telecom Italia will showcase innovative SIM based solutions for mHealth, designed for central and local Public Administrations which make it possible to increase efficiency, simplify processes, optimise costs and improve the quality of life of citizens.

Deutsche Telekom will showcase Smarter Cities for the Future, using machine-2-machine based technology to optimise urban services such as public transport, smarter parking, security and energy management.

The event will be preceded by the start of the mHealth Grand Tour and also on the showcase will be partners ANT+, Dexcom, Etisalat, McCann Health, Orange and Sony Mobile.

The event will close with a networking cocktail reception hosted by the Mobile World Capital Barcelona initiative.

Places are limited so, if you have not yet registered, please register now for this exclusive event.

For questions or enquiries, please visit the website or email

We look forward to welcoming you.


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