Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Innocence and War: Searching for Europe’s Strategy in Syria
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The Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies
would like to invite you to the event:
Innocence and War:
Searching for Europe’s Strategy in Syria
The Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies and Mariya Gabriel MEP, Vice-Chair of the EPP Group cordially invite you to the launch of its latest publication Innocence and War: Searching for Europe’s Strategy in Syria.
The publication looks into how the EU, from its first diplomatic manoeuvres in the 1970s onwards, has failed to shape a coherent strategy for Syria, and provides recommendations to produce one. While Syria has always been a complex country for the EU to deal with, the current ravaging civil war, the military intervention by Russia, Iran’s financial and military support to the Assad regime, and the rise of Islamic State, have left the EU even more puzzled in what it could and should do.
The panel will discuss what next steps need to be taken. Is EU military engagement possible, maybe inevitable? What should the EU’s strategy be concerning the political transition in Syria? What kind of cooperation can we expect from President Putin, taking into account the ongoing war in Ukraine? To what extent will the Paris terrorist attacks of last November have an impact on the West’s call to remove President Assad and fight Islamic State?
Please click here to register.
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